SHODASHI SHRI VIDYA MAHA-SADHANA - Himalayan Secret Sadhana & Healing -
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Sanatana Dharma has always believed that the world began from the god in the form of zero. Param Shunya was always synonymous with Nirakara Parabrahman. In fact, all of the greatest of the great Siddhas always contemplated only on Nirakara Parabrahman as SriVidya Sadhana. The science could not explain how this existence came into existence. Yet it has proved that the world is continuously expanding. If it is expanding continuously, then it should have been started from a point or zero. The science has also believed this with Big Bang Theory. The science has always been at loss to explain how did something came out of nowhere. Our Sanatana Dharma has always explained this through Yoga or as the Brahma Vidya called SriVidya.
Einstein believed that there is always another antiparticle to some particle. He expounded that when antiparticle and particle mix together, then there will be nothing and when one will consume the other, the whole thing is dissolutes into zero or nothing. This thought came out of the sacred texts of Hinduism where it is said through ages that “everything is created from him, by him, and will eventually merge back into to him. It is he alone, who takes up the three roles of construction, destruction, and dissolution of this universe. How this exactly happens is well known only to the true sadhaks of SriVidya..
0 = 5 - 5
0 = (5) + (-5)
0 = (3 + 2) + [-(8 - 3)]
0 = (9 - 6 + 4 - 2) + [-(5 + 3 - 5 + 2)]
= ............ and so on (This is addition or Yoga)
Yoga is not the exercise. Some say the literal meaning of yoga means samyoga (addition) of the brahma padarda and some say yoga in a yogi’s point of view is to know the path that can “create” anything out of his own “inner empty space”. The Rishis of the older times have developed the science by which anyone can increase the power of yoga within oneself and thereby creating and destroying whatever they wanted.
Actually, yoga is a state of being. That is the reason why the guru of all gurus “lord Krishna” mentioned “yogastha kuru karmani.” The true meaning of yoga can actually be understood by this. He meant or if literal translation is to be taken “do actions in the state of yoga”. Now what is this “state of yoga”? The samyoga is the addition of the particles and viyoga is the division of particles, but the state of yoga is a state where is total or absolute stillness, i.e. a state where there is no addition or division of the particle consciousness within us.
HEXAGONAL SRI-VIDYA :- is a program where these ancient secrets of the great wisdom called Sri Vidya or absolute stillness are shared for the first time to sadhaks. Hexagonal Sri-Vidya is also called Sri-Shambhava Sri-Vidya Sadhana-“The Sadhana of Seven Shambhava Dham”, as we know that Sri Chakra is multidimensional. So this hexagon sadhana is a sadhana of followings:-
- It is a sadhana of complete Sri-Chakra.
- Sadhana of “Bindu Chakra”.
- The Dimensions (Shakti) in the Bindu Chakra.
- The Dimensions above the Bindu.
- The Sadhana of Seven Shambhava Dham, we think that our seven chakras resides in our Pran-MayaKosha, Siddha Sanmarga wants you to Experience the Real Seven Chakra, which Exists in these SevenShambhava, The seven chakra of Prana-Maya Kosha are the Mirror Refelection of these Seven Chakrs ofour Soul Star. During the dhyan sadhana these higher dimensional real seven chakras will be awakenedand experienced. These seven chakras have different dimensions , Shaktis & beej mantras.
- All the Dimensions beyond the Bindu Chakra, because Lalita-Tripura Sundari resides in Sri-Chakra, abovethe Sri-Chakra & Lalita Tripurasundari is beyond the Sri-Chakra also.
Siddha Guru Atmananda Ji says Sri-Vidya is a sadhana of deletion (Reversal process "Malfunction Mantra"). Wherever we are, we just have to delete everything. It means leave everything (by mind) and when everything is left, the "Param-Shunya", remains. Param Shunya means "The stillness" which is beyond experience by our physical senses. Shunya does not have its own existence, but it exists as a background consciousness to everything and It is beyond existence. Sri-Vidya is a Sadhana of "Shunya- The Nothingness".
When we do Sri-Vidya, the following processes happen:
- The Shunya Sadhana (destruction of karmas).
- The Infinite Process of Creation "Yoga" (Sadhana of Creation).
- The Sadhana of Awareness "Sathiti Chakra".
- The Realization.
In this program What would you learn?
Day 1 : HexagonalSriVidya Sadhana
Kundalini Awakening and DNA Activation through Prana Path, Shakti Path, and Shiva Path out of the WISDOM of “Garuda Purana (Meditation taught by Bhagwan Vishnu to his disciple Garuda)”, Kathopanishad (Meditation taught by Yama-Raj to Nachiketa), Mundaka-Upanishad, Nirvaan Bhairav Tantra (“how to be yourself”) & Tripura Bhairavi (“how to become one with Adhya Shakti Tripurasundari”). (On this day you will be taught how to leave your body. You are a being of light (infinite consciousness) “you are never Born & you never Die” You just create a body for yourself to Experience this world & Humanity, but you never know how to leave this body due to Maya (illusion) and in this ignorance you again create a new body for you as per your consciousness at the time of leaving this body. It can also be called “Realization of Rebirth” – a very Secret & Sacred natural Process, which Siddha Sanmarga wants to teach you (True Himalayan Wisdom).
Awakening of Datta Jyoti (Datta Jyoti initiation) :- Bhagwan Dattatreya is the male form of Lalita-Tripurasundari (Creater of the universe), and bhagwan Dhatta is the guru of all siddhas & Avdhootas. all the divine energies known to any one in this universe,are awakened from the consciousness of bhagwan Dattatreya. Datta jyothi is the divine grace Light of Lord Dattatreya (consciousness of dattatreya) and mother of all healing energies. This is a combination of Electric golden, electric pink, and electric violet etc. This is the highest healing light known to man in any can heal any misery , sorrow and pain, can make your life wonderful.
Awakening of Shiva Jyoti:- Shiva Jyothi is the divine healing fire of lord Shiva,Lord Maha-Mritunjaya, Lord Maha-Rudra, Lord Avdhoota, Lord Maha-Kaal-Bhairva and Lord Natraja (Sarv-vidravani Shakti). This jyoti is the awakened Complete & Pure consciousness of Shiva, which when awakened in a sadhak will experience continuous flow of electric golden and electric violet healing fire from his both eyes, third eye and every & each cell of the can heal anything and burn any karma,you believe it or not but it is the only truth.
Awakening of Aruth Jyoti (Ascension Jyoti) :- Aruth Jyothi is the divine Grace Light of Paratapar-Linga as described the great guru Swami Ramalinga. This is an alchemical white light. This light, when initiated, sadhak will experience continuous flow of divine light from his heart. This is the light that our shasthras have described as “unconditional love”. The power of this light or the healing ability of this light is immeasurable. It is a myth that unconditional love is pink in color. Any person worshiping this grace Light will definately get Ascended to the infinite Dimension.
Awakening of Jawala Jyoti:- This jyoti is the consciousness of MAA Jawala-Malini and MAA Dhooma-Vati. It is a highest healing fire. When initiated in a Sadhak, will experience a continuous Fire coming out from his every and each cell, both eyes & Third eye.
Awakening of Siddha Jyoti:- It is the healing fire of all the divine siddhas, it is the complete attainment Jyoti. When initiated in a sadhak his all meditations and complete life will be Guarded and Guided by all divine Siddhas & all Siddha will definitely lead that person to the way of truth (attainment of Param Shunya).
Awakening of 4th Dimensional Ray (4th Dimensional Light) :- it is a Healing Light of 4th Dimension (combination of Platinum Gold, Platinum White & Platinum Pink colorued Light) It can manifest any thing in your life, Called Manifestation Jyoti.
Healing with Guru Goraksha Meru:- it is the Highest & Pure Consciousness of Guru Goraksha Natha. It has all powers of Guru Gorakha Natha is used for advance healing of synthesis.
Day 2 : Hexagonal SriVidya Sadhana
- Awakening of Sri-Chakra within you.
- Awakening of Purva-Mayatkam “Sristi Chakra” (Vayapini Shakti). it is the sadhana of Creation-MahaSaraswati & Brahma.”
- Awakening of Dakshin-Mayatkam “Sathiti Chakra” (Samana Shakti) “it is the sadhana of Positioning-MahaLakshmi & Vishnu.”
- Awakening of Paschim-Mayatkam “Sanghar Chakra” (Unmana Shakti) “it is the sadhana for Distruction ofKarmas - Maha Kali & Maha Kaal Bhariva.”
- Meditation of Sixteen nithys with beeja-mantra.
- Meditation of Bala-Tripursundri with 4th Dimensional Mantra.
- Meditation of Tripur-Sundri with Panch-Dashi Mantra.
- Meditation of Tripur-Sundri with 4th Dimensional Mantra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Astha Matrika (Eight Divine powers of Maa Tripursundri).
- Dhyan Sadhana of 16 Matrikamba.
- Dhyan Sadhana of 16 Nityas with beeja mantra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of 16 Nityas-Shaktis.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Astha-Dala Chakra (Sadhana of Asthadal Chakreshwari Tripursundri)
- Awakening of Bhuvneshwari Shakti. (The Mother Of Creation)
- Dhyan Sadhana of following Tripura-Shaktis (Sarva-Sankshovini, Sarva-Vidravini,Sarva-karshini,Sarva-Hadini,Sarva-Samohini, Sarva-Sathimvini, Sarva-Mantramayi, Sarva-Ranjini, Sarva-Madini,Sarvarth-Sadhini, Sarva-Sampati-Purna).
Day 3 : Hexagonal SriVidya Sadhana
- Awakening of “Tri-lokya Mohana chakra” within you.(Highest form of Kameshwara & Kameshwari).
- Dhyan Sadhana of Trivarg-Sadhan Chakra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Sarva-Abishap-Pari-Purak Chakra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Sarva-Sankshovan-Krasht Chakra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Sarva-Sobhagya-Dayak Chakra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Sarvarth-Sadhak Chakra .
- Dhyan Sadhana of Sarva-Rakshakar Chakra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Sarva-Rog-Har Chakra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Sarva-Siddhi-Pradayak Chakra.
Day 4 : Hexagonal SriVidya Sadhana
- Deeksha & Dhyan Sadhana of Sri-Vidya Maha Mantra.
- Dhyan Sadhana of Sarva-Anand Bindu Chakra, there are more higher chakra exists in the our universe &other universe, cannot be described here, but during the “Dyan-Sadhana” all will be awakened by Guru Jiwithin you.
- Meditation of Maha-Kulyogini, (Highest Kundilini Sadhana its true Himalayan Wisdom).
- Dhyan Sadhana of Tripura Shakti (Adhya-Jyoti Meditation) in this meditation you will be blessed with thegrace of Tripur-Sundri and learn the mediation becoming one with Adhya Shakti).
- Meditation in the Three Higher Dimensional Shakti-Peetha of Tripurshawari (Kameshwari Peetha,Vajreshwari Peetha, Bhagmalini Peetha), Called Meditation of Shakti-Triangle (Tri-Gunatamak Shakti).
- Awakening of Sri-Chakra in your every & each cell (Kaya-Kalpa Mediation).
- Dhyan Sadhana on Nirvana-Kala of Tripur-Sundri with Brahamanda Kriya.
- Meditation on Siddha Maha-Lakshmi (Science of materializing Prosperity ).
- Intensive Rakthdantika Sri-Vidya Sadhana (destruction of your karmas).).
- Awakening of Seven Shambhava Shakti within you. (Brahma Shambhava, Vishnu Shambhava, RudraShambhava, Ishwar Shambhava, Sada-Shiva Shambhava, Adhi-Natha Shambhava & Shree Shambhava)it is a process of awakening of all your chakras, Nadis & Higher Bodies. There are two more higherShambhava called “Anant Shambhava” & “Nirakar Shambhava”.
- Intensive Khadagmala Sri-Vidya Sadhana (creation of universe & materialization).
- Brahma Gyana Sadhana & Updesha .
A Sri Vidya Sadhak will be blessed with all the abundance in life. He not only will be blessed spiritually but would also be blessed in every aspect of life. Sri Vidya Sadhana is the Bhramha Vidya Sadhana and so, it is endless. A sadhak has to continue to practice SriVidya Sadhana till he is one with the SriChakra himself, after which sadhana happens naturally.
If we look at the whole creation, it exists in a multi-plane level with multiple dimensions. We know that the mother earth is currently in the 3rd dimension and soon by the end of 2012 will shift into the 4th dimension. Scientifically, this entire world is a wave, which has got compressed in such a format that it has become a solid physical vibrational frequency. Now, if it loosens up (expands), it goes into the 4th, 5th, and further dimensions.
We currently use 3rd dimensional vibrational frequencies to heal a person of 3rd dimension. Imagine the results of healing when we use 4th dimension light to heal the 3rd dimension person. It will be faster and powerful!!!!
Now, when we combine this 4th dimension light and mantras with SriVidya, the sadhana would become the most powerful sadhana any person can get as a diksha. With the blessing of the Datta Digambara Sreepada Sreevallabha, you will be able to experience the highest and you can heal yourself and others from a very higher level of consciousness. Sometimes just a touch would be enough to do the healing.
By the grace of Lord Sreepada Sreevallabha; learn &and experience 4th Dimensional Intensive SriVidya Dhayn and Healing from the realized master Gurunath Atmanandji.
Note: “All the above-mentioned sadhanas are meditative in nature and are not outward puja rituals as it is said Antharmukha Samaradhya Bahirmukha. Sudhurlabha”
If we look at the whole creation, it exists in a multi-plane level with multiple dimensions. We know that the mother earth is currently in the 3rd dimension and soon by the end of 2012 will shift into the 4th dimension. Scientifically, this entire world is a wave, which has got compressed in such a format that it has become a solid physical vibrational frequency. Now, if it loosens up (expands), it goes into the 4th, 5th, and further dimensions.
We currently use 3rd dimensional vibrational frequencies to heal a person of 3rd dimension. Imagine the results of healing when we use 4th dimension light to heal the 3rd dimension person. It will be faster and powerful!!!!
Now, when we combine this 4th dimension light and mantras with SriVidya, the sadhana would become the most powerful sadhana any person can get as a diksha. With the blessing of the Datta Digambara Sreepada Sreevallabha, you will be able to experience the highest and you can heal yourself and others from a very higher level of consciousness. Sometimes just a touch would be enough to do the healing.
By the grace of Lord Sreepada Sreevallabha; learn &and experience 4th Dimensional Intensive SriVidya Dhayn and Healing from the realized master Gurunath Atmanandji.
Note: “All the above-mentioned sadhanas are meditative in nature and are not outward puja rituals as it is said Antharmukha Samaradhya Bahirmukha. Sudhurlabha”
These are closely guarded secrets of the Great Himalayan Siddhas, which are for the very first time revealed by their own grace.
"Dynamic Cosmic Intelligence Meditation- Increasing Neural Coherence Through Advance Shri Vidya
Eligibility: Anyone / Prior Registration Mandatory
Contact Person : Siddha Sanmarga
Mobile : +91-7032700210
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Contact Person : Siddha Sanmarga
Mobile : +91-7032700210
Email :
Visit our professional website
Day 1 , 2 , 3 & 4 : Dynamic Cosmic Intelligence Meditation- Increasing Neural Coherence Through Advance Shri Vidya Sadhana
Did you ever wonder why only few people are smart enough in the world? Did you wonder why only few people can think creatively and why there are only few geniuses in the world? Do you know that only a small percentage of our brain is used to think? Did you ever wonder why some people can’t do things that others easily can?
Well, that is because our brain development is based on the experiences that we gather during our lifetime. Our brains are very dynamic and change for the better or for worse throughout the individual’s life. The emotional traumas or mental conditioning that we encounter in our life can alter the very structure or connections in our brain and there by dictate our ability to function. In simple words, our brain is no different than rest of the muscles in our body. The more we use it, the more it grows. Genius is the result of perfectly developed “brain” coupled with a perfectly developed mind.
In a simple metaphor, our brain is like the hardware of a computer and our mind is like the software. The software is built for the hardware and vice versa. For effective functioning, it is not enough if we upgrade the software called mind, through various yogic practices and meditations, but we also need to upgrade the hardware called brain. After all, the most advanced software too proves ineffective on a poor hardware.
Out brain is made up of cells called neurons. At birth, each neuron in the cerebral cortex has approximately 2,500 synapses (connections). But, by the time an infant is two or three years old, the number of synapses is approximately 15,000 synapses per neuron, and this is exactly the reason why we can learn so much during our childhood. As we age, old connections are deleted through a process called synaptic pruning and if new connections are not formed, i.e. if the brain is not upgraded, we end up with limited brain function.
SriVidya, from time immemorial, is considered as the best of the best and most exhaustive of sadhanas in order to develop both the brain and mind and aligning our mind with the soul. If just gazing at the Bindu of the SriChakra in a specific yogic way can induce great changes in corpus callosum of brain, just imagine the positive benefits one can have by learning and doing the advanced secrets of SriVidya.
This long-forgotten ancient sadhana of SriVidya, which is capable to positively increase neuroplasticity (ability of the brain to change, for better or for worse, throughout the individual’s life span), spatial cognition, and cognitive modifiability is what Siddha Guru Atmananda calls as Dynamic Cosmic Intelligence.
Benefits you can have by attending this Shri Vidya Dynamic Cosmic intelligence Sadhana:
1. Acquire any new skill easily.
2. Lightning-fast thinking/thinking on the feet (usually when you think, only a small part of the brain is useful in assisting your mind, but with prolonged practice of this sadhana, your full brain will be used by your mind to think.)
3. Improved motor control.
4. Improved memory.
5. Improved will power.
6. Better cognition.
7. Improved focus.
A presentation involving scientific proofs using fMRI (functional MRI) test results of before and after this sadhana to validate increased neuroplasticity in adult brain will also be given in this workshop.
Note: “All the above-mentioned sadhanas are meditative in nature and are not outward puja rituals as it is said Antharmukha Samaradhya Bahirmukha. Sudhurlabha”These are closely guarded secrets of the Great Himalayan Siddhas, which are for the very first time revealed by their own grace.

Sri Vidya is the knowledge of Sri, the Goddess, the knowledge that
mattered or the real knowledge, that lead to liberation, or the path or
teaching, that lead to the Supreme Truth. This intricate tradition
guides the aspirant through the worship of several Gods and Goddesses
to the central point which represents the Mother Goddess. The Sri
Chakram or, in its elevated form the Maha Meru, is representative of
this progression.
Shree Vidya Meditation is
the most sacred of all Sadhnas. It can only be attained by the grace
and blessings of a Siddha Guru. Shree Vidya is the sadhna of Shree
Yantra or Shree Chakra. Goddess Lalita Tripur Sundari the bestower of ‘Bhog’ and ‘Moksha’ is the presiding deity of Shree Chakra.
Shree Vidya is a Sadhna of Materialization (Shrishti Chakra) as well as Dematerialization (Sanghaar Chakra). A Shree Vidya Sadhak is blessed with unlimited abundance and thus leading a very blissful and content life he gradually moves towards Self Realisation which is the Ultimate Reality. Shree Vidya begins where the Quantum Physics ends. It is the science of understanding the Microcosm and the Macrocosm.
Shree Vidya is the Science of Materialization. When our level of consciousness gets raised the Shree Chakra residing in us starts vibrating at a very high frequency, thereby materializing whatever we want to achieve in life – good health, prosperity, relationship, success, happiness, the list is endless. A Shree Vidya sadhak has the powers to achieve and materialize whatever he wants in life – like the ‘Alladin’ all his wishes and desires get fulfilled.
What would you learn?
Day 1 and 2: Preparatory phase for intensive SriVidya Sadhana
• Kundalini Awakening and DNA Activation through Prana Path, Shakti Path, and Shiva Path
out of the WISDOM of “Garuda Purana (Meditation taught by Bhagwan
Vishnu to his disciple Garuda)”, Kathopnishad (Meditation taught by
Yama-Raj to Nachiketa), Mundaka-Upanishad, Nirvaan Bhairav Tantra (“how
to be yourself”) & Tripura Bhairavi (“how to become one with
Adhya Shakti Tripurasundari”). (On this day you will be taught how to
leave your body. You are a being of light (infinite consciousness)
“you are never Born & you never Die” You just create a body
for yourself to Experience this world & Humanity, but you
never know how to leave this body due to Maya (illusion) and in this
ignorance you again create a new body for you as per your
consciousness at the time of leaving this body. It can also be
called “Realization of Rebirth” – a very Secret & Sacred
natural Process, which Siddha Sanmarga wants to teach you (True
Himalayan Wisdom).
• Awakening of Datta Jyoti (Datta Jyoti initiation) :- Bhagwan
Dattatreya is the male form of Lalita-Tripursundri (Creater of the
universe), and bhagwan Dhatta is the guru of all siddhas &
Avdhootas. all the divine energies known to any one in this
universe,are awakened from the consciousness of bhagwan Dattatreya.
Datta jyothi is the divine grace Light of Lord Dattatreya
(consciousness of dattatreya) and mother of all healing energies. This
is a combination of Electric golden, electric pink, and electric
violet etc. This is the highest healing light known to man in any can heal any misery , sorrow and pain, can make your life
• Awakening of Shiva Jyoti:- Shiva
Jyothi is the divine healing fire of lord Shiva,Lord
Maha-Mritunjaya, Lord Maha-Rudra, Lord Avdhoota, Lord
Maha-Kaal-Bhairva and Lord Natraja (Sarv-vidravani Shakti). This
jyoti is the awakened Complete & Pure consciousness of Shiva,
which when awakened in a sadhak will experience continuous flow of
electric golden and electric violet healing fire from his both eyes,
third eye and every & each cell of the can heal
anything and burn any karma,you believe it or not but it is the only
* Awakening of Aruth Jyoti (Ascension Jyoti) :- Aruth Jyothi is the divine Grace Light of Paratapar-Linga as described the great guru Swami Ramalinga. This is an alchemical white light. This light, when initiated, sadhak will experience continuous flow of divine light from his heart. This is the light that our shasthras have described as “unconditional love”. The power of this light or the healing ability of this light is immeasurable. It is a myth that unconditional love is pink in color. Any person worshiping this grace Light will definately get Ascended to the infinite Dimension.
* Awakening of Aruth Jyoti (Ascension Jyoti) :- Aruth Jyothi is the divine Grace Light of Paratapar-Linga as described the great guru Swami Ramalinga. This is an alchemical white light. This light, when initiated, sadhak will experience continuous flow of divine light from his heart. This is the light that our shasthras have described as “unconditional love”. The power of this light or the healing ability of this light is immeasurable. It is a myth that unconditional love is pink in color. Any person worshiping this grace Light will definately get Ascended to the infinite Dimension.
• Awakening of Jawala Jyoti:- This jyoti is the consciousness of MAA Jawala-Malini and MAA Dhooma-Vati. It is a highest healing fire. When initiated in a Sadhak, will experience a continuous Fire coming out from his every and each cell, both eyes & Third eye.
• Awakening of Siddha Jyoti:- It
is the healing fire of all the divine siddhas, it is the complete
attainment Jyoti. When initiated in a sadhak his all meditations and
complete life will be Guarded and Guided by all divine Siddhas
& all Siddha will definitely lead that person to the way of
truth (attainment of Param Shunya)
• Awakening of 4th Dimensional Ray (4th Dimensional Light) :-
it is a Healing Light of 4th Dimension (combination of Platinum
Gold, Platinum White & Platinum Pink colorued Light) It can
manifest any thing in your life, Called Manifestation Jyoti.
- Invoking and using Siddha Electric Powers.
- Tunnel of light. Release of karmic
- Siddha Surya Yoga with Siddha kalpa Vruksha Yoga
- 4th dimensional SriVidya Mantra Sadhana
- Rudra Gana Sadhana
- Atma Linga Sadhana
- Kameshwari Sadhana (One of the highest form of
goddess Lalitha Tripur Sundari) - Maha Bhagamalini Sadhana
- Rakthadanthika Sadhana
- Bhupura Sadhana with Beej mantra
Day 3 and 4: Intensive SriVidya Sadhana
- Shodasha Nithya Sadhana
- Khadgamala Sadhana
- Navaavarana devatha sadhana
- Panchadashi mantra diksha
- Maha mantra Sadhana
- Kalabhairava Sadhana
- Sukshma SriVidya Havana
- Tripur Bharavi Sadhana
- Intensive SriVidya Kriya Sadhana.
- Meditation of Tripura-Rahasya.
Secrets of triangles & Sri-Vidya Sadhana(awakening of real consciousness)
A SriVidya Sadhak will be blessed with all the abundance in life.
He not only will be blessed spiritually but would also be blessed in
every aspect of life. SriVidya Sadhana is the Bhramha Vidya Sadhana
and so, it is endless. A sadhak has to continue to practice SriVidya
Sadhana till he is one with the SriChakra himself, after which
sadhana happens naturally.
If we look at the whole creation, it exists in a multi-plane level with multiple dimensions. We know that the mother earth is currently in the 3rd dimension and soon by the end of 2012 will shift into the 4th dimension. Scientifically, this entire world is a wave, which has got compressed in such a format that it has become a solid physical vibrational frequency. Now, if it loosens up (expands), it goes into the 4th, 5th, and further dimensions.
We currently use 3rd dimensional vibrational frequencies to heal a person of 3rd dimension. Imagine the results of healing when we use 4th dimension light to heal the 3rd dimension person. It will be faster and powerful!!!!
Now, when we combine this 4th dimension light and mantras with SriVidya, the sadhana would become the most powerful sadhana any person can get as a diksha. With the blessing of the Datta Digambara Sreepada Sreevallabha, you will be able to experience the highest and you can heal yourself and others from a very higher level of consciousness. Sometimes just a touch would be enough to do the healing.
By the grace of Lord Sreepada Sreevallabha; learn &and experience 4th Dimensional Intensive SriVidya Dhayn and Healing from the realized master Gurunath Atmanandji.
Note: “All the above-mentioned sadhanas are meditative in nature and are not outward puja rituals as it is said Antharmukha Samaradhya Bahirmukha Sudhurlabha.”
These are closely guarded secrets of the Great Himalayan Siddhas, which are for the very first time revealed by their own grace.
If we look at the whole creation, it exists in a multi-plane level with multiple dimensions. We know that the mother earth is currently in the 3rd dimension and soon by the end of 2012 will shift into the 4th dimension. Scientifically, this entire world is a wave, which has got compressed in such a format that it has become a solid physical vibrational frequency. Now, if it loosens up (expands), it goes into the 4th, 5th, and further dimensions.
We currently use 3rd dimensional vibrational frequencies to heal a person of 3rd dimension. Imagine the results of healing when we use 4th dimension light to heal the 3rd dimension person. It will be faster and powerful!!!!
Now, when we combine this 4th dimension light and mantras with SriVidya, the sadhana would become the most powerful sadhana any person can get as a diksha. With the blessing of the Datta Digambara Sreepada Sreevallabha, you will be able to experience the highest and you can heal yourself and others from a very higher level of consciousness. Sometimes just a touch would be enough to do the healing.
By the grace of Lord Sreepada Sreevallabha; learn &and experience 4th Dimensional Intensive SriVidya Dhayn and Healing from the realized master Gurunath Atmanandji.
Note: “All the above-mentioned sadhanas are meditative in nature and are not outward puja rituals as it is said Antharmukha Samaradhya Bahirmukha Sudhurlabha.”
These are closely guarded secrets of the Great Himalayan Siddhas, which are for the very first time revealed by their own grace.
Fourth Dimensional Intensive Dhyan Sadhana
Day 1 & 2 : Fourth Dimensional Intensive Dhyan Sadhana
Kundalini Awakening and DNA Activation through Prana Path, Shakti Path, and Shiva Path out of the WISDOM of “Garud Purana (Meditation taught by Bhagwan Vishnu to his disciple Garuda)”, Kathopnishad (Meditation taught by Yama-Raj to Nachiketa), Mundak-Upnishda, Nirvaan Bhariav Tantra (“how to be yourself”) & Tripur Bharavi (“how to become one with Adhya Shakti Tripursundri”). (On this day you will be taught how to leave your body. You are a being of light (infinite consciousness) “you are never Born & you never Die” You just create a body for yourself to Experience this world & Humanity, but you never know how to leave this body due to Maya (illusion) and in this ignorance you again create a new body for you as per your consciousness at the time of leaving this body. It can also be called “Realization of Rebirth” – a very Secret & Sacred natural Process, which Siddha Sanmarga wants to teach you (True Himalayan Wisdom).
Awakening of Datta Jyoti (Datta Jyoti initiation) :- Bhagwan Dattatreya is the male form of Lalita-Tripursundri (Creater of the universe), and bhagwan Dhatta is the guru of all siddhas & Avdhootas. all the divine energies known to any one in this universe,are awakened from the consciousness of bhagwan Dattatreya. Datta jyothi is the divine grace Light of Lord Dattatreya (consciousness of dattatreya) and mother of all healing energies. This is a combination of Electric golden, electric pink, and electric violet etc. This is the highest healing light known to man in any can heal any misery , sorrow and pain, can make your life wonderful.
Awakening of Shiva Jyoti:- Shiva Jyothi is the divine healing fire of lord Shiva,Lord Maha-Mritunjaya, Lord Maha-Rudra, Lord Avdhoota, Lord Maha-Kaal-Bhairva and Lord Natraja (Sarv-vidravani Shakti). This jyoti is the awakened Complete & Pure consciousness of Shiva, which when awakened in a sadhak will experience continuous flow of electric golden and electric violet healing fire from his both eyes, third eye and every & each cell of the can heal anything and burn any karma,you believe it or not but it is the only truth.
Awakening of Aruth Jyoti (Ascension Jyoti) :- Aruth Jyothi is the divine Grace Light of Paratapar-Linga as described the great guru Swami Ramalinga. This is an alchemical white light. This light, when initiated, sadhak will experience continuous flow of divine light from his heart. This is the light that our shasthras have described as “unconditional love”. The power of this light or the healing ability of this light is immeasurable. It is a myth that unconditional love is pink in color. Any person worshiping this grace Light will definately get Ascended to the infinite Dimension.
Awakening of Jawala Jyoti:- This jyoti is the consciousness of MAA Jawala-Malini and MAA Dhooma-Vati. It is a highest healing fire. When initiated in a Sadhak, will experience a continuous Fire coming out from his every and each cell, both eyes & Third eye.
Awakening of Siddha Jyoti:- It is the healing fire of all the divine siddhas, it is the complete attainment Jyoti. When initiated in a sadhak his all meditations and complete life will be Guarded and Guided by all divine Siddhas & all Siddha will definitely lead that person to the way of truth (attainment of Param Shunya).
Awakening of 4th Dimensional Ray (4th Dimensional Light) :- it is a Healing Light of 4th Dimension (combination of Platinum Gold, Platinum White & Platinum Pink colorued Light) It can manifest any thing in your life, Called Manifestation Jyoti.
Healing with Guru Goraksha Meru:- it is the Highest & Pure Consciousness of Guru Goraksha Natha. It has all powers of Guru Gorakha Natha is used for advance healing of synthesis.
- Awakening of Vajra-Virochini Shakti (It is the highest Ugra Shakti of MAA Chinmasta “
HighestSadhana For Destruction Of Karmas.”) - Meditation in the Cave of Leo
- Attuning to the Aquarian of Equionox .)
- Sadhana of Maha-Kulyogini, (Highest Kundilini Sadhana).
- Various fourth Dimensional Sadhanas.
- Atma-Jyoti Linga Sadhana.
- Para-Jyoti Sadhana. (Self-Actualization & Ascension )
- Brahma Gyana & Sadhana.