To participate in this program you need to pre-register:
Date & Time: 02 Dec 11 (6PM-8PM) Mass Karmic Healing
Date & Time: From 3rd to 6th Dec 11 (9am - 5pm) (Sri-Vidya Sadhana)
Venue: Surat
Eligibility: ANYBODY
Venue For Mass Karmic Healing:- Lions Service center,Near lalji-Nagar,Beside Sardar Bridge & Morarji Garden, Adajan, Surat (Gujrat)
Venue For Sri-Vidya :-Machaan Hotel Regent Arcade, 3rd Floor Opp Zaveri House, Near G3 Shop, Ghod Doad Road Surat (Gujrat)
What would you learn?
Day 1 and 2: Preparatory phase for intensive Sri-Vidya Sadhana
• Kundalini Awakening and DNA Activation through Prana Path, Shakti Path, and Shiva Path out of the WISDOM of “Garud Purana (Meditation taught by Bhagwan Vishnu to his disciple Garuda)”, Kathopnishad (Meditation taught by Yama-Raj to Nachiketa), Mundak-Upnishda, Nirvaan Bhariav Tantra (“how to be yourself”) & Tripur Bharavi (“how to become one with Adhya Shakti Tripursundri”). (On this day you will be taught how to leave your body. You are a being of light (infinite consciousness) “you are never Born & you never Die” You just create a body for yourself to Experience this world & Humanity, but you never know how to leave this body due to Maya (illusion) and in this ignorance you again create a new body for you as per your consciousness at the time of leaving this body. It can also be called “Realization of Rebirth” – a very Secret & Sacred natural Process, which Siddha Sanmarga wants to teach you (True Himalayan Wisdom).
• Awakening of Datta Jyoti (Datta Jyoti initiation) :- Bhagwan Dattatreya is the male form of Lalita-Tripursundri (Creater of the universe), and bhagwan Dhatta is the guru of all siddhas & Avdhootas. all the divine energies known to any one in this universe,are awakened from the consciousness of bhagwan Dattatreya. Datta jyothi is the divine grace Light of Lord Dattatreya (consciousness of dattatreya) and mother of all healing energies. This is a combination of Electric golden, electric pink, and electric violet etc. This is the highest healing light known to man in any yuga.it can heal any misery , sorrow and pain, can make your life wonderful.
• Awakening of Shiva Jyoti:- Shiva Jyothi is the divine healing fire of lord Shiva,Lord Maha-Mritunjaya, Lord Maha-Rudra, Lord Avdhoota, Lord Maha-Kaal-Bhairva and Lord Natraja (Sarv-vidravani Shakti). This jyoti is the awakened Complete & Pure consciousness of Shiva, which when awakened in a sadhak will experience continuous flow of electric golden and electric violet healing fire from his both eyes, third eye and every & each cell of the body.it can heal anything and burn any karma,you believe it or not but it is the only truth.
* Awakening of Aruth Jyoti (Ascension Jyoti) :- Aruth Jyothi is the divine Grace Light of Paratapar-Linga as described the great guru Swami Ramalinga. This is an alchemical white light. This light, when initiated, sadhak will experience continuous flow of divine light from his heart. This is the light that our shasthras have described as “unconditional love”. The power of this light or the healing ability of this light is immeasurable. It is a myth that unconditional love is pink in color. Any person worshiping this grace Light will definately get Ascended to the infinite Dimension.
• Awakening of Jawala Jyoti:- This jyoti is the consciousness of MAA Jawala-Malini and MAA Dhooma-Vati. It is a highest healing fire. When initiated in a Sadhak, will experience a continuous Fire coming out from his every and each cell, both eyes & Third eye.
• Awakening of Siddha Jyoti:- It is the healing fire of all the divine siddhas, it is the complete attainment Jyoti. When initiated in a sadhak his all meditations and complete life will be Guarded and Guided by all divine Siddhas & all Siddha will definitely lead that person to the way of truth (attainment of Param Shunya)
• Awakening of 4th Dimensional Ray (4th Dimensional Light) :- it is a Healing Light of 4th Dimension (combination of Platinum Gold, Platinum White & Platinum Pink colorued Light) It can manifest any thing in your life, Called Manifestation Jyoti.
• Healing with Datta Dhanda:- Very Advance Healing (not to be discussed here as it is , very Secret in nature)
• Healing with Pashupata-Astra:- Very Advance Healing (not to be discussed here as it is , very Secret in nature)
• Healing with Kameshwari Astra:- Very Advance Healing using the power of MAA Lalita-Tripur Sundri (not to be discussed here as it is , very Secret in nature)
• Kaya Kalpa Meditation:- Meditation techniques to improve peace and harmony within ourselves and others: Meditation on how to attune to the frequency of the universe (the holy Shiv-Shiva) and basic Siddha Vruksha yoga, which will magnetize the body (this meditation is a part of Kaya Kalpa).
• Himalayan Omkar Meditation: Very powerful to destroy any karmic factor. How to disconnect unwanted negative/lower-dimensional emotional ties: The positive energies the sadhak achieves are sometimes drained due to lower-dimensional emotional ties. This can prove to be a heavy loss and proves the sadhana to be filling a pot of holes. This can be avoided using this Himalayan method .
- Invoking and using Siddha Electric Powers.
- Tunnel of light. Release of karmic factors from the subconscious mind– Powerful and Fast technique.
- Siddha Surya Yoga with Siddha kalpa Vruksha Yoga
- 4th dimensional SriVidya Mantra Sadhana along with Bala Mantra
- Rudra Gana Sadhana
- Atma Linga Sadhana
- Kameshwari Sadhana (One of the highest form of goddess Lalitha Tripur Sundari)
- Maha Bhagamalini Sadhana
- Rakthadanthika Sadhana
- Bhupura Sadhana with Beej mantra (Sadhana of the first avarana)
Day 3 and 4: Intensive SriVidya
- Shodasha Nithya Sadhana with Beej mantra (Sadhana of 16 nithyas)
- Khadgamala Sadhana (Sadhana of the mighty meteor-like sword of the goddess).
- Navaavarana devatha sadhana
- Panchadashi mantra diksha
- Maha mantra Sadhana
- Kalabhairava Sadhana
- Sukshma SriVidya Havana
- Tripur Bharavi Sadhana
- Intensive SriVidya Kriya Sadhana.

If we look at the whole creation, it exists in a multi-plane level with multiple dimensions. We know that the mother earth is currently in the 3rd dimension and soon by the end of 2012 will shift into the 4th dimension. Scientifically, this entire world is a wave, which has got compressed in such a format that it has become a solid physical vibrational frequency. Now, if it loosens up (expands), it goes into the 4th, 5th, and further dimensions.
We currently use 3rd dimensional vibrational frequencies to heal a person of 3rd dimension. Imagine the results of healing when we use 4th dimension light to heal the 3rd dimension person. It will be faster and powerful!!!!
Now, when we combine this 4th dimension light and mantras with SriVidya, the sadhana would become the most powerful sadhana any person can get as a diksha. With the blessing of the Datta Digambara Sreepada Sreevallabha, you will be able to experience the highest and you can heal yourself and others from a very higher level of consciousness. Sometimes just a touch would be enough to do the healing.
By the grace of Lord Sreepada Sreevallabha; learn &and experience 4th Dimensional Intensive SriVidya Dhayn and Healing from the realized master Gurunath Atmanandji.
Note: “All the above-mentioned sadhanas are meditative in nature and are not outward puja rituals as it is said Antharmukha Samaradhya Bahirmukha Sudhurlabha.”
These are closely guarded secrets of the Great Himalayan Siddhas, which are for the very first time revealed by their own grace.
* Request you to be seated 15 minutes before time on 02 Dec 11 for registration.
** Lunch and Tea would be provided at the Venue